PFP Lime is a prilled, high purity, ultra-fine particle lime. Dependent on soil type an application rate of only 250kg/ha can be expected to raise soil pH by 0.2 and provide readily available calcium to both plants and soil microbial life.
PFP Lime’s transport and application costs are dramatically reduced when compared to conventional lime applications. Low application rates, combined with low dust and hassle-free spreading characteristics, make PFP Lime prills an easy and very cost-effective method to apply lime.
PFP Lime Prills are ideally suited to a wide range of both horticultural and agricultural applications.
Other than a couple of months before calving, PFP Lime can be applied at any time of the year.
Recommended average application rate = 250kg/ha (dependent on soil type).
PFP LimePhos is a prilled blend of both limestone and phosphate rock, (75/25%), ground to an ultra-fine particle. Low application rates, combined with its hassle-free spreading characteristics, make PFP LimePhos a very cost-effective fertiliser choice.
Dependant of soil type an application of 270kg/ha can be expected to raise soil pH by 0.2, while providing a dressing of 8.4 units of phosphorous.
Applying lime at the same time as your phosphorous increases fertiliser utilisation and sets up your pasture growth for the whole year.
A significant advantage of using PFP LimePhos in spring is that you are applying lime at the same time as your fertiliser cutting out the cost of a separate lime application in autumn.
Recommended average application rate = 270 kg/ha (dependent on soil).
PFP MagLime is a prilled blend of both limestone and serpentine rock (80/20%), ground to an ultra-fine particle powder. If your soil pH level is below 6.0, and your Magnesium Base Saturation is below 10.0, this product is an ideal choice.
Dependent on soil type an application of only 250kg/ha can be expected to raise soil pH by 2.0 and quickly raise both calcium and Magnesium Base Saturation levels.
Recommended average application rate = 270 kg/ha (dependent on soil type).
Custom Blends
Traditionally, Lime and fertiliser are treated as a separate application. PFP products combine Lime and fertiliser into a single, cost-effective application. If your soil is deficient in trace elements, these can be incorporated into any of our products under a custom blend.
We manufacture customised products to suit your farms individual Lime, mineral and trace element requirements in one economical, low application rate prilled or flour product which can be applied by any conventional method.
We recommend that you seek advice from an independent soil and fertiliser consultant to ascertain the correct trace elements needed for your soils, crops and animal health needs. While we do not provide specific advice on what trace elements are needed, we are happy to collaborate with your independent soil of fertiliser consultant or refer you to a specialist as required.